Put Clinical Signs of Puberty on Pause Because It’s Their Time to Play

Actor Portrayals
Reach for Triptodur® (triptorelin):
The #1 Prescribed Twice-yearly GnRH-agonist Injectable.1,2
7+ years on the market and nearly 3000 patients treated3,4
Effective and sustained suppression
Suppressed LH to prepubertal levels and stopped or reversed clinical signs of puberty at 1, 6, and 12 months of treatment1,a
aClinical signs of puberty assessed at 6 and 12 months.
Generally safe and well tolerated in a clinical trial1,5,b
- No discontinuations or treatment interruptions reported5
- No known cases of firm or hardened abscess, flushing, or hyperhidrosis related to injection site reactions reported1
bTrial included 44 treatment-naïve patients. All patients completed 48 weeks of treatment.
Committed to a positive administration experience
- Given twice-yearly as an IM injection1
- Small 21G, 1.5 inch needle1
- Administration support and training (live in-service support, video, or download) so that your team can administer Triptodur with confidence

Triptodur CareSM
- Dedicated Triptodur CareSM Team for support to both caregivers and healthcare providers
- Access, affordability, and treatment support include our Triptodur CareSM Copay Assistance Programc and our new Triptodur CareSM Bridged and Patient Assistancee Programs
- 95% insurance approval rates4 with Triptodur CareSM
Abbreviations: GnRH=gonadotropin-releasing hormone; IM=intramuscular; LH=Luteinizing hormone.